Thermoset Composite Parts for Electric Vehicles

Thermoset composites play a crucial role in electric vehicles (EVs) due to their unique properties that address several key requirements. The low weight, high strength, thermal management capabilities, electrical insulation, cost-effectiveness, and durability of these advanced make them critical contributors to various EV components, enabling improved range, efficiency, and performance.

Thermoset Components for Electric Vehicles and EV Charging

Weight Reduction

Lighten the Load, Extend the Range

Thermoset composites have low density, allowing for significant weight reduction compared to metals. This is critical for EVs to improve range and energy efficiency by reducing the overall vehicle weight, especially with heavy battery packs.

Benefit: Enhance range and energy efficiency by reducing vehicle weight.

Applications: Battery covers, power module encapsulation, heat dissipation sheets, and more

Manage Battery Temperatures in Electric Vehicles

Battery Components

Keeping Cool, Going Far

Thermoset compounds are used for battery covers, encapsulation of power modules, heat dissipation sheets, fixing rotor magnets, stator materials, and direct cooling systems for batteries and motors. Their thermal insulation and heat dissipation properties help maintain optimal battery temperatures.

Benefit: Maintain optimal battery temperatures for improved performance.

Applications: Battery trays, direct cooling systems, stator materials, etc.

Strength to weight of thermosets make them ideal for structural components in EVs

Structural Components

Strength Without the Weight

High strength-to-weight ratio of thermoset composites makes them suitable for structural parts like battery trays, chassis components, and body panels, improving vehicle performance and range.

Benefit: Enhance vehicle performance and range with high strength-to-weight ratio.

Applications: Chassis components, body panels, and beyond.

Electrical Insulation in Electric Vehicles

Electrical Insulation

Powering Up, Safely

Being dielectric (non-conductive), thermoset composites provide effective electrical insulation for components like motors and inverters.

Benefit: Ensure effective electrical insulation for critical components.

Applications: Motors, inverters, and more.

EV Weight Reduction


Saving on Every Mile

Thermoset composites like sheet molding compound (SMC) and bulk molding compound (BMC) offer reduced tooling costs and less price volatility compared to metals.

Benefit: Reduce tooling costs and price volatility compared to metals.

Materials: Sheet Molding Compound (SMC), Bulk Molding Compound (BMC), etc.

Plastic Surface Parts for Electric Vehicles


Beauty That Lasts

Thermoset composites can maintain an attractive appearance over time, resist UV, corrosion, and harsh environments, making them suitable for exterior components.

Benefit: Maintain an attractive appearance over time, resisting UV, corrosion, and harsh environments.

Applications: Exterior components for a sleek finish.

Atlas Fibre has the technology, expertise, and capacity to fabricate thermoset composite materials for use in electric vehicle parts and components.

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