Electric Power

Electric Power Industry

The electric power industry generates and sells electricity to the general public. It provides the energy that keeps many other sectors, along with residential properties, going. Composite materials for the power generation industry are essential in delivering high-quality and dependable parts.

Atlas Fibre supplies thermoset composite materials for the electric power generation industry. We work with electricity providers to help them choose the options that will keep project costs low while minimizing complexity.

Benefits of Composite Materials for the Power Generation Industry

The components used in the power generation industry must be able to withstand high-impact, high-temperature environments. These parts must also provide electrical insulation and not conduct electricity.

Thermoset composite materials meet all of these requirements. The materials are produced during a high-pressure lamination process, which sets their physical and chemical properties. When used in the electric power industry, thermoset materials provide the following benefits:

  • High strength-to-weight ratio: Thermoset composites are known for being lightweight, weighing less than metal or wood parts. They also have a comparatively high strength-to-weight ratio. For example, G10, a glass epoxy composite, has a tensile strength-to-weight ratio that is nearly double that of aluminum.
  • Insulation: Composites retain insulating properties at high temperatures, making them ideal for use in power generation. Materials like G10 don’t conduct electricity well, so they provide superior insulating properties.
  • Corrosion resistance: Exposure to oxygen causes corrosion, the gradual destruction of materials. Corrosion is common with metals, making them weaken over time. Thermoset composites resist corrosion, which extends their lives and allows them to stay strong.
  • UV resistance: Many of the parts used in electric power generation experienced prolonged sun or ultraviolet light (UV) exposure. Thermoset composites can be made UV-resistant and won’t become weak or damaged after hours in the sun.
  • Dimensional stability: Thermoset composites offer superior dimensional stability, meaning they retain their form, fit, and function throughout their lives.
  • Flexibility: There is no one-size-fits-all option for thermoset composites. We work with each customer to create materials and parts based on their unique needs. We machine phenolic and glass thermosets for the electric power industry.
Material and Parts for Electrical Insulators

Custom and In-Stock Materials for the Electric Power Industry

Atlas Fibre has a 120,000-square-foot warehouse in Illinois, stocked with more than $8 million worth of inventory, plus an additional $4 million in raw materials at partner facilities in Massachusetts and Hyderabad, India. We have the United States’ largest selection of in-stock thermoset composite materials.

When you partner with us, we fabricate your parts using machine-ready precision blanks to your exact specifications. We’re also a resource center and are happy to help you select the best material for your project, whether you’re looking for UV resistance, corrosion resistance or a high strength-to-weight ratio.



Minimize project cost and complexity with the right thermoset composite materials. Contact us for a quote to learn more about the benefits and uses of thermoset materials in the power generation industry.

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